INexactlyTHis, de Servicegarage at the Kunstvlaai 2012, Amsterdam.

Photo Arik Visser.

Photo Arik Visser.

3rd Fountain - Self portrait behind gouache mask
Performance, 2012.
Engraved pencils with gold paint, gouache and pencil on wood and various materials.
Duration: 5 hours.
250 x 700 x 1200 cm.

A performance about body image, a personal copy of a hommage to the alleged reference by Bruce Nauman with ‘Self Portrait as a Fountain’ to ‘Fountain’ by Duchamp. Using self acclaimed tips and rules # 12; Hide those lines that make you insecure, # 37; A series of drawings looks serious and distract flaws of the first one, and # 94; Look at details of others’. I created a sequence of utter daily routine within my drawings. Behind a fountain of gouache I draw a self portrait using 3 out of 96 pencils with an engraved tip or rule.